Though there are many wallpaper sites on the Internet, few of them provide quality wallpapers in widescreen format. Instead of spending hours trying to find a great wallpaper for your monitor, here's an easy way you can make your own widescreen wallpaper for free using public domain images.
I typically do other important processing steps like level adjustments, saturation, and sharpening. Many images are just put up on the sites without any processing and you can make some dramatic enhancements. When you're done making your adjustments, select Save As and save your new widescreen wallpaper!
The easiest way to load your new wallpaper as your desktop background is to use Explore and find the image. Right click on the file and select "Set As Desktop Background". Do that and you have a brand new widescreen wallpaper on your monitor.
With a little effort you can find many outstanding images that will make great widescreen wallpapers.